Wednesday 12 November 2014

This is my Pop Art Poster I made for my Digital Graphic assignment. The first thing I did was pick a Landscape A4 page to work on. Once I had this I chose my picture of a famous person, in this case I used Evan Peters as his Character in American horror story. I chose this character because he has blonde hair which makes the hair look more defined in the following steps.
I then scaled the image over the A4 page and turned it into greyscale but without flattening the image. Once this step was completed I duplicated the layer with my picture labelling both layers either hair or face. Then I went onto the Levels of the layer and adjusted them to give definition to either the face or the hair and/or background; this depends on how many layers and how detailed you want the final image to be. Once I had all the layers I needed to have definition, I then had to deleted the hair while on the face layer and the face while on the hair layer so both could be visible at the same time. 
After, I made a brand new layer and named it 'Background'; following this I changed the mode to RGB colour. I coloured it in with my chosen colour which was red. Then I clicked multiply which gave the picture a single block colour. I then repeated this for every layer and every part I wanted in a different colour making sure to rub out the excess colour I didn't want e.g., I didn't want the red over him so I used the eraser tool to get rid of it. Once I had all the colour I wanted I had finished the image and flattened it so it became a proper JPEG image.

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